Current projects 2-2022

Hi! It’s been a while. I took my time trying to recover (still not there) and my full-time job was moving locations, so that took […]

Current projects 10-2021

Bi-monthly update time!Another two months have passed and I have finished some projects. Superstar Seraphine and the Baddest Seraphine are ready for photoshoots and conventions. […]

Current projects 8-2021

Two months have passed again, so time for another update. Sadly, I’m still recovering from the health issues that started in June. I did try […]

Current projects 6-2021

Hi everyone! It’s time to update again. Unfortunately, I have become sick and there is a lot going on still. There hasn’t been much room […]

Current Projects 4-2021

It is time for my bi-montly update again! I managed to finish the big commission I was talking about in the last update and made […]

Current projects 2-2021

Hi everyone!I decided to take a small break from making cosplays. It is difficult to stay motivated when you can’t finish or show off your […]

Current projects 12-2020

Since my old website was wiped rigorously, I think it might be a good idea to put my current projects in one place again. Actively […]