It’s April already and I got some good news! I finished moving! I now write this, looking at my balcony and a lot of tree with birds happily chirping away. I love this place so much. <3
The crafting room (yes, I got one!) still needs to be organised and such, so not much crafting yet. I will try to start with a few “simple” projects like embroidering my towels and finishing up some gifts, before I go back to cosplay again. I also decided that I want to try and create a better looking website. I explored the idea of opening a shop here, but I don’t think I will have the time to run a shop next to my full-time job. However, do feel free to contact me if you need something like a plushie. I might be able to help you out.

I will try to still get the Velkhana armor (pictured above) done in time for Abunai. (Or maybe an event in summer?) I am looking forward to attending events again. It’s the last bits now of this outfit, and I will try to remember and write a guide about it.
Keep on crafting and see you soon,