Trust me: always use a stabiliser when using your embroidery machine! I did some attempts without and none turned out good (unless you embroider on felt). That’s a waste of material and time and can be disastrous for your machine.

There are various kinds of stabilizer and I would say: read the product information! The local shop has mostly Madeira stabilizer available and I like their products. So far I have used 3 kinds of their stabilizer:

  • Tear away
  • Cut away
  • Water soluble

I will talk a bit about what they are best suited for and what kind of projects I used them in.

Tear away stabilizer

Available in black and white, tear away stabilizer is mostly used for projects with a non-stretch fabric as a base. After you have unhooped your project, you can tear away this stabilizer. It is weaker than the cut away version, but I use this one often for plushies, face masks and embroidery on lighter fabrics. I use this stabilizer most often.

A roll of tear away stabiliser
A roll of tear away stabiliser

Cut away stabilizer

Also available in white, cut away stabilizer is used for projects with a high stitch density and/or stretch fabrics as tricot. They keep your fabric from shifting while the embroidery machine does its job. After unhooping the excess stabilizer needs to be cut away. (Tearing it is really difficult.) It really works well with stretch fabrics and I use it most often for projects with those kind of fabrics (or plushies, in case I ran out of the tear away stabilizer).

Water soluble stabilizer

A transparent stabilizer that is mostly used on top of the fabric you are embroidering on. I used this one for my own towels that I felt like decorating, but I heard it also helps for making lace with tulle. (That is something I still want to test later.)
I recommend tearing the majority of the unused stabilizer away, before soaking it in water to remove the last bits. Using this as a top layer on fuzzy fabrics like terry cloth prevent the fibers of the fabric to move and get stuck in the embroidery. It guarantees a clean embroidery on those fabrics.

A roll of water soluble stabiliser
A roll of water soluble stabiliser


Stabilizers are a necessary product when using your embroidery machine. Don’t skip on them. Really.

Good luck with trying a new skill! <3