A friend of mine recommended Frieren to me, when I told them I was out of anime to watch. And it is such a good series! While I normally tend to feel more for cosplaying the main character, I fell hard for Fern! She’s adorable, capable and I love her personality. Struggling with communicating feelings is something I know too well… Normally, I cosplay more complex/detailed deisgns, but her simplicity was actually really refreshing and motivating. I didn’t feel the need “make it happen, whatever the methods” and made a really sturdy outfit because of it. To make

 her easier on my mind, I started with using some old stuff I had laying around and I am slowly replacing that with better stuff. That’s why I have different wigs for different photoshoots for example. 🙂 But anything that I made new for this cosplay, I wanted to be sturdy and right at the first try, so the dress, cloak and staff were made with extra attention from the start!