Bi-monthly update time!
Another two months have passed and I have finished some projects. Superstar Seraphine and the Baddest Seraphine are ready for photoshoots and conventions. So happy I managed to finish them <3. Sinon is still on hold sadly. I just cant find the motivation to make her armor.
Besides that, I bought my Abunai!con ticket for 2022! I am very much planning on entering a competition with one of my cosplays. It will be challenging to see which one it will be. My health issues have become less, but they haven’t gone away. And I wouldn’t call them manageable. But I got the doctor’s advice to do more stuff that I like, so I decided to pick up my Velkhana Alpha armor from Monster Hunter World: Iceborne again. It was about halfway when I had to drop it.

I will start with finishing the greaves of this outfit. The kneepad and shoes are already done, so with the greaves in between, it will be a nice finished piece. The skirt and corset are the next parts and will take quite some time. I am looking forward to airbrushing, machine embroidering and satin stitching it all. (Well, maybe not all of it, but it will look nice. I hope.)
By then, I figure two month will have passed. If I am unable to finish the Velkhana cosplay in time, I will take Superstar Seraphine to the stage. The skit for that costume is already written. 🙂 Wish me luck!
Keep on crafting!